Tuesday 20 December 2016

Meet Up: Retreat Time Here We Come

It is that time of the year when I can finally go away and put my feet up, while surrounded by a large group of lovely ladies...

Yes, my dear single mums.  I had the great opportunity to attend the Super Working Mums end of year retreat again.

Although I see most of the retreats as important as each other, this one is the one that prepares you mentally for the preparation of your goals and vision boards before the end of 2016.

The theme of the retreat was 'Maximise time, Manifest Dreams'. A time to reflect and identify those special gifts that will help you fulfil your dreams. For me, the dreams I know God has put in my heart.

The workshops were very interesting and very helpful along with the teaching by the guest speakers.

There was time to eat, go for a swim, get a massage or just relax. We all enjoyed the weekend and were able to come back refreshed and ready for the New Year 2017!

I am very lucky that my children are getting older and that I have a family member who looks after them so that I can attend the retreat.

Sometimes as a single mum, leaving the kids behind is just not an option.  That does not mean that it is not possible to prepare your goals for next year.  Now is the time, as we are in December, and Christmas is just around the corner.

I will be taking some time over Christmas to reflect even more on the past year and take time in prayer for God to agree with the goals and pictures I have cut out and glued in my vision book.

You could also make your own retreat at home with the kids. Why not ? At the end of the day, they are part of our lives and the big picture, how fun can it be to do it together.

Whatever way you decide to prepare for next year, try to see where you and the children are going, where would you like to be? What would you like to do ? Will you be in the same job ? Will you try and earn more money or be financially free of debts ? Will you be starting that ministry God has called you to start ?

I urge you not to enter into 2017 without a vision for yourself and your children because I believe we all have a purpose.  Even if it is just about making a better life for our children right now, we need to prepare to be successful in our households, whatever that means to you.

God Bless, Au Revoir!

Tuesday 6 December 2016

Challenge: Another big goal accomplished!

Bonjour everyone,

I hope you are all doing great!

I want to tell you about one of the challenges I set for myself in 2015, as part of my goals for 2016.

This next challenge really surprised me though, as I was not ready for it, even if I had written it down in my vision book.

This weekends challenge came to me.  I did not choose to do it in advance. For some of you who know me, I do not like driving long distances.  I just do not like it. However, I knew that I needed to build my confidence behind the wheel if I wanted to travel as a public speaker.

This weekend was the last retreat for the year with the Super Working Mum group. As we set out on our journey (we normally take one car and of course I preferred not to drive !!).  It became clear that I would have to contribute to the driving experience. I was shaking just at the thought of it.

I remember asking God for help in the past, asking Him for the opportunity to drive far away from home, but not this weekend though! I was not ready but God was!

So I had to drive for two hours. Yes two hours! That was an experience but I did it in the end.  We all got home safe and the journey was so easy.

So, my dear Single mums, as you prepare your goals for 2017, know that God is listening and He can make it happen, if it is His will.

I did not have to rush, God made it happen. He can make it happen for you as well.

Good luck with your goals.  The New Year is just round the corner...