Monday 25 January 2016

Challenge: Getting Out Of Your Comfort Zone

It is being talked about in many motivational videos around the world.  Books speak about it; coaches keep telling us about it.  There are so many great YouTube videos on how to challenge yourself daily in order to become successful.

I have always liked a challenge in the past but after I became a single mum I lost my sense of security and with it, I lost my confidence. So, instead of venturing out there, I chose instead to curl up and stay safe in my comfort zone.

I remember one day, I had promised to take my daughter to a birthday party out of town, but when I realised that I had to drive quite far to the party, the panic set in. I was literally scared, scared to drive all the way there and maybe get lost, scared to come back and drive at night. If we got lost, who would come and help? What if the car broke down? etc…

Then a couple of days later, I was having a conversation with my fourteen-year-old daughter about her psychology course at school and how they had learnt about “getting out of you comfort zone”

I felt quite embarrassed at the fact that I was going to come up with an excuse to not take my daughter to the birthday party the next day.

That is when I realised that if I wanted to become successful, I needed to try and challenge myself.  Even though, just thinking about it scared me and almost paralysed me.  As people say, you need to do it afraid. I decided to do it afraid and that is what I did.

We went to the party, did not get lost, came back at night safely and everyone was happy.  My daughter for having enjoyed a crazy party and myself for having completed the task successfully!

So, if like me, you are scared of challenges, or even despise the word CHALLENGE, but you know that it is one of the most important component of becoming successful in your life whatever that could be, I invite you to choose what scares you the most and try, see what happens!

Monday 11 January 2016

Reflection: That's It! I Am Stepping Out!

It's 6 am in the morning and I cannot sleep any more. I have been thinking about my first post for this blog that I am writing. For weeks now,  I have being thinking, what do I say, how do I start ? Last night before going to bed, I prayed that God would stir me from the inside and find me the words to write this.

Bonjour everyone,

My name is Ngalita, I am 39 years old and a single mum of three beautiful children and I guess like many other people out there, I feel I have the right to be successful.

Initially I thought that success meant being wealthy and living the good life but as time went on and as I discussed more on the topic with friends, I realised that success could be a little something or a bigger thing, depending on the person who wants it.

For me, being successful meant being able to look after my children, provide a stable and happy family home for them, design and build my own house, being able to travel when I wanted, having my own business, looking after my family and serving others.

But despite my need and want for success, I seemed to find it so hard to breakthrough, despite the books, the conferences, the workshops, the teachings, the support from my friends and family, I just seemed to struggle to breakthrough those roadblocks.

So I decided to go back to the beginning again, look and work on the principles which should normally lead me to success.  I have decided to challenge the most important ones and see where that takes me. 

As a lover of perfection, I was never really prepared to start the blog today but one of the most important principles that I struggle with is to "just start something" So, I have decided to start and see where this big adventure is going to take me.

I invite you to join me on this journey of becoming successful by trying to work on the principles and I hope to help stir that passion inside of you to just start something today too.