Wednesday 23 March 2016

Challenge: Mobile Fasting

Bonjour everyone,

It has been one week since I attended my weekend retreat with the Super Working Mum retreat group.

If you remember I explained how I felt the need to reset myself and try to hear from God because I was struggling to breakthrough and was making the same mistakes again.

The thing is, I do not know about you but after a retreat, you get excited for a couple of days, then life catches up with you and you  tend to go back to that bad habit, that I am trying to change!

This time is different though, I made sure that I kept a couple of days off to take time and continue to reflect on the word of God.

During that time, I challenged myself to considerably reduce the distractions from this world, especially any type of social media disturbance.

As a single mum, I get so busy, and having to deal with constant messages, or calls can be very overwhelming.

So, my challenge this weekend was to not answer my phone between Friday and Monday morning!

I know some people who do this and although I could not understand at first the reason to do it, I was going to find out for myself the benefits of mobile phone fasting (as I call it!)

I did not turn my phone off completely because I wanted my kids to be able to reach me, so it was harder because I could see all my messages piling up in the phone!

Monday finally came. I was just amazed at what I had achieved over the weekend by not using my mobile phone.

I was able to look at my goals, my projects, take the kids out, but most importantly, I was able to give my time to God.

I believe that for me to be successful, it is important to take time out to build a very strong foundation based on the word of God.

Do you know if God has a purpose for you? Do you know what it is?  Have you taken time in the word of God to know exactly how to move yourself forward? What or who is distracting you and delaying your breakthrough?

Do you find that you attend a workshop, get excited for one or two days then you go back to your old ways and habits?

I challenge you to put those things aside for a little while, maybe for a day, or a whole weekend and see all that you can achieve.

Not using my phone at the weekend was definitely a challenge, but it was refreshing, liberating and definitely worth it!

Why not give it a try?

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