Thursday 17 March 2016

Reflection: Reflect To Start Afresh

Bonjour everyone, 

This weekend, I had the opportunity to travel to a weekend retreat.  The environment was really beautiful, and the weather was really nice, a bit chilly, but still nice. 

I attended because I felt the need to spend time with God, to be still and hear from Him.  There were many things in my life that I was trying to change.  I had been doing the same things over and over and was getting the same results.

Despite people around me telling me, I just could not hear them and I was not listening to what God was also trying to tell me.

When I heard, I would quickly think about it for so long that fear would creep in and I would change my mind and go back to the old destructive habit!

Deep in my heart I knew something was not right, I needed to change but I did not know where, I was struggling to diagnose my problem.

This state of confusion lasted the whole retreat weekend, until Sunday morning, as I woke up, God, showed me what I was doing wrong.

I needed to change something and this time I knew what it was.

Do you also feel like constantly trying to breakthrough, trying to understand the past and redoing the same mistake over and over again? This could be financially, in relationships, with family, etc...

Opening my Bible from the beginning again and spending quiet time in prayer, helped me see deep within myself and this led me to listen to God on a deeper level too.

Sometimes, there are so many things that need changing, we feel overwhelmed and cannot even pray. Some people say to write it down, which is what I did, and I got my answer!

So, you can start from the beginning again, be still, ask and listen deep within.

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