Wednesday 29 June 2016

Challenge: Father's Day for us single mums!

Bonjour everyone,

Do you find life challenging? Well I have been having many challenges in my life recently and I am learning that I have to build more resilience to be able to make it everyday.

There is no doubt that, even waking up everyday, can be a challenge and we must make sure that each day we are ready to push through and live our life to the full.

It was Father's Day in London last week and someone posted a message on Instagram about single mums who are also doing the job of a father.   That is a big challenge, because we often have to wear mummy and daddy hats!

I am so proud of you single mums who work hard everyday and look after and bring up your children well. However as I know and believe that God is a Father to the fatherless, making Him known to our children is also a way to share that heavy burden of everyday life.

If our children, who might not have their father in their life, could relate to God as their Father, I believe it could have a great impact on their future life too.

I am very lucky that my children have access to their dad regularly, but that might not be the case for everyone unfortunately.

So, single mums, when we do not have a partner with us, who can be a dad to our children, let us remember that God is and can be that partner.

For those of whom the children's father is not around or not getting involved with the kids, I ask you to pray for that person, for God to open their heart and let them see the responsibility they have towards their children. I believe that God can make that happen.

Have a great week! And keep pushing through!!!

Au Revoir!

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