Friday 25 November 2016

Reflection: Are you going faster than God?

Bonjour my dear single mums,

I hope you are all doing great! In the last couple of blogs, I have shared with you how important it is to take time to reflect on this past year 2016 and prepare to write down your goals for 2017.

When you look back, why did you do what you did? Why did you write that book? Why did you do the conference? Was that goal really what you felt God had placed on your heart? Or were you running ahead of God's plan for your life?

After a few days of reflection and while preparing my goals for next year, I decided to stop and take a step back.  I started asking myself questions.  Why did I do what I did? Write the book, help out at conferences, attend retreats and start the blog etc.

Even though these were the goals I wrote down last year in 2015, how could I ensure the goals were not out of my own heart's desire or simply just for my own selfish ambition? Instead of running towards every opportunity, should I have taken time to be more patient and wait on God before writing the goals?

This time my friends, I encourage you to prepare your goals whilst spending time with the Lord.  Ask him to show you the exact goals you need to work on for next year, in preparation for your purpose. Then pray and do not stop.  Keep praying, praising and worshipping God. Only He can approve those goals, not you.

It has been a struggle for me to sit down quietly, I can assure you. Especially when the kids are making so much noise. So, I started having my quiet time at night before going to bed.  When I found it hard to sit down still, (I get really distracted too!!) I started using a timer.

I started with a couple of minutes and now I can sit still for at least 30 minutes. I then take a break and I do it again.

My dear single mums, I know it can be hard to think about all these things to do but the year end is nearly here.  The shops are filling themselves up with Christmas gifts.

While we are working towards having a better life, take time in God's presence.  Dedicate all the few hours you have for him day and night and He will come through.  He will show you your goals, just sit still and listen...


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