Monday 25 April 2016

Reflection: Reflection Time

Bonjour everyone,

When God is preparing you towards becoming who He wants you to become, it can be very challenging.

If you feel your purpose is something completely different to what you are doing right now, you will need to change some things and you will need to learn new things too.

If your purpose is similar to what you are doing right now, you will still need to learn more to become better.  To become the person you want to become and grow into your purpose, it is important to create the right strong foundation.

If you felt your purpose was to become a Doctor, you could not just pick up a stethoscope and start assessing patients, but instead you would have to go to university, study, read books,etc...

With a strong foundation, I can create a strong knowledge about the role I am meant to fulfill and become an expert at it!

There are many many books available out there, and there are many recommendations to read books regularly.  However, I have discovered that sometimes I give more time to reading a book than to actually reading my Bible and trying to understand what I am supposed to do.

I am convinced that my purpose is to become a successful leader and to reach out to other single mothers, it became  important that I built a strong foundation first in the word of God.

This is why, spending time with the Lord is so important and must come first.

In one of her YouTube videos, Heather Lindsey,  explains that the more time you spend building a relationship with the Lord, the more you will be able to hear Him and recognise Him when he speaks to you.

I am convinced of my purpose, I know deep in my heart that I need to learn to spend time with Him, in order to know Him better and recognise His voice for when He guides me now and in the future.

Do you sometimes, like me, feel overwhelmed with all the information that is out there? Do you try to read a book on success at the detriment of reading The Word of God? Do you prepare your heart to recognise when God will be the one speaking to you in the times you will need His counsel?

Knowledge is extremely important and reading books or keeping yourself informed are keys to success.  However, if you do not spend time with the Lord, you will keep coming off the track of your purpose because you might find it hard to hear Him, His guidance and His adjustments of your future plans.

Enjoy your reflection!

Au Revoir!

Sunday 17 April 2016

Travel: Moving, Moving, Moving

Bonjour everyone,

Some of you may have wondered where I have been? Well, I have been moving house! Can I say that I found out that it is not always a good idea to try and multi-task?  As women, people seem to believe that we can do lots of things at the same time.  I tried in this case, but I eventually got overwhelmed.

Overwhelmed by the boxes, the tidying up, moving things around, etc.  I just had to stop and do one thing at a time, I just had to let go of doing the Easter bonnet in the end.

Because of having been a people pleaser all my life, I felt really guilty, but the thing is, while I was trying to please everyone else, nothing was being done correctly. I had to prioritise this time.

Being a single mum can mean trying to be the mum, the dad, the painter, the plumber, etc... In this case, I became my own moving company for a few days!  When I moved, I did not necessarily have the funds for a moving truck, so, everything ended up in my tiny little car, with many, many trips between houses.

What I am trying to say here, is that, nobody is perfect, I am not perfect.  There will be times where I will have to stop and step back a bit, and that goes for everything.

When I step back, I spend the most time in God's presence. When I do this, I feel that God points me in the right direction, because he sees that I have veered off course.

He focuses me on my purpose and vision and gives me the energy to continue.

So, if you have promised things to friends, family, or other people, I believe it is important to see what is going on around you, are doing too much? Do you need to prioritise again? Will you be able to fulfill all the promises you have made? Are those promises in line with what God wants you to do? Or are you just trying to please someone out there?

I leave you with all these reflective questions because right now, I have got kids pictures to hang on the wall.

Thank God the kids helped me fix the shelves in their room!! (I even have my own toolbox !!!)

Au Revoir!

Friday 1 April 2016

Meet Up: Happy Easter

Bonjour everyone,

Good morning, well I say good morning because here in London it is 4am! Yes, 4am and I cannot sleep anymore!

I have been thinking about this blog post and what I wanted to write! So many things to talk about though!

Last weekend was Easter! I did not have major plans like I normally do, mainly because I was moving house!

However, I ended up having lots of nice food cooked by my little sister and

the chocolate eggs of course which I shared with my nieces and nephews!

I remember when I was younger, we would have a weekend of celebration. Getting ready for that special Sunday! It was a big family affair.

This time, we were slightly less in number but still celebrated. The children did an Easter egg hunt despite the rain (This is England!)

I believe, doing these things together, as a family and trying to maintain those family traditions is very important, especially in these days where the emphasis is being placed more on the number of eggs or Easter decorations you can buy!

It used to be easier to just boil up a couple of eggs and decorate them, but now all that children want is a chocolate egg instead!!

The reason I like to keep these traditions, especially as a single mum, is because I want to maintain a strong foundation for the kids, so that they can also pass it on to their own children in the future.

I think, maintaining family traditions help children become confident of who they are and where they come from. That is what I want for my children!

And of course, despite the sadness of the terrorist attacks last week in my country, Belgium, this Easter was an opportunity to remind ourselves again of the reasons why we are here on this earth as well as remembering that thanks to one person, our saviour Jesus, we are lucky to still be on this earth!

I know that for some people close to me, Easter was different this time. No chocolates, no big meals, but instead personal circumstances have stopped them from enjoying fully the celebrations.

Despite the turmoils, one thing remains the same, the fact that our saviour died for us on the cross, resurrected a few days later and ascended into the heavens.  It is a miracle and a hope for the future!

And that, my friends, is what we remembered last week , at the school plays, in outdoor theatres, ...and all around the world!

Easter is behind us now but let us continue to celebrate the life of Jesus our Lord and saviour!

As for moi, catch me on my blog next week as I will be attempting to decorate my very own Easter Bonnet !!! (I haven't managed to finish it yet!!)

Au Revoir!