Tuesday 2 February 2016

Meet Up: Get Meeting

Bonjour everyone,

This week I want to talk to you about the importance of creating and having a great support system around you such as friends, family, or other people who can help you make that dream of becoming successful true.

As a single mum, it is even more important to create that system because the word OVERWHELM is constantly there in our minds. 

One of the things that I love doing is meeting up with my support system, my friends or family, catch up over a coffee or tea and just spend some time together and talk about anything.  I think it is important to make them feel that they are also very important in your day to day life and not just to hold your hand on the road to success.

Of course as a single mum, it is not always part of the budget to go out,eat something or spend money but I try to force myself to put something on the side for these meet ups.

So, a few weeks ago, I met up with one of my closest friends and we had lunch together, I had a fifty per cent voucher for the restaurant so the bill was, hopefully, not going to be high.  We had a great time, just relaxing and talking.

My friend runs her own business and runs retreats around the UK so we had time to chat about the past retreats too.  The food was nice and obviously by the end of it we were really full and our bellies tender! But we had a great time laughing and making funny jokes!

Sometimes, it does not need to be an outing out of the house but even inviting a friend over for coffee, tea and maybe even a home-made cake is fine too! I have done this and found it easier for those times when money is low.

What does your support system look like? Do you take time to take care of them too even with the little you have? A phone call, a home-made cake or biscuits can make a difference too.

Do you meet up with your friends just to have a laugh and talk about different things ? What about organising a nice evening with other single mums ?

Sometimes, just taking time to let your hair down can really help you relax and clear your mind which can get really overcrowded at times!

So, just do it, get meeting !

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