Tuesday 9 February 2016

Travel: Blackpool

Sometimes working towards becoming successful might mean working all the time and sacrificing those moments of relaxation, travelling and going for a spa etc.…

However, despite the sacrifices, when I make the time to be away from the busyness of home, work and business, I feel it helps me to empty my mind and refocus on what needs to be done for the next step I need to take.

Of course when you are a single mum going away with all the children can be expensive and going away on your own can make you feel guilty too!

So I made the decision to go away on my own and also go away with one child at a time.  This meant that we would have the opportunity to bond and talk about things on a one to one basis, things we would normally not talk about.

This year, I took the opportunity to take my youngest daughter, who is nine, to her dance competition in Blackpool and be away for the weekend with her.

Some might say it is not really relaxing because of all the preparation, clothing and make up etc.. but having just moved house the day before, I found it pretty relaxing!

Blackpool is a little above two hours away from London by Virgin train. I was quite proud of myself for taking the plunge to venture out of London in the first place!

Other parents drove a 5-hour trip to get there but as I was not feeling confident enough to drive that far, I decided to take the train all together!

I have never been to Blackpool and I can say that despite the cold weather, it was a beautiful town and it was really fun!

It was also quite impressive to see so many dancers perform in a weekend! It was great to see the determination of all the children who, despite being scared, just got on with it, got on the dance floor and danced with all their heart to be the winner!

So, do you always work and not play? Do you sometimes feel out of focus? Like your head is so full, everything is coming out of your ears?

I do not know about you but when I feel my head is really full even a walk in the forest helps clear my head and helps me to refocus.

Successful people know this.  They go to spas, have massages regularly, go on holiday, even if it is short! So, why not try it yourself too?

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